At AWG Insurance Brokers, we know that close and effective relationships matter and we are committed to a long-term relationship as your trusted insurance broker.

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Burglary and Theft


A burglary insurance will compensate the insured for its loss in a burglary. The interest insured will usually include the contents, building and furniture’s and improvements.

We will need to resume our business operation in the event of a burglary. The burglar will not only take away your valuables, but also cause destruction’s in its attempt to search for valuables. With a burglary insurance, you will be have the loss replaced and the damages reinstated.
Enhance your coverage
With a disaster recovery plan, the business owner will have a clear understanding of the implications to its business. He can enhance its business interruption coverage with additional coverage to address to the different cost which he may requires after a loss.
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Product Description

A burglary insurance will compensate the insured for its loss in a burglary. The interest insured will usually include the contents, building and furniture’s and improvements.