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  >  Worker’s Immigration Bond

Worker’s Immigration Bond

A bond required by Ministry of Manpower intended for each Non-Malaysian Work Permit holder you want to employ as replacement of the upfront security deposit of S$5,000 for each worker.

It is used to ensure that both you (the employer) and your workers comply with the conditions of the Work Permit.

Please provide the following documents for quotation:
– Latest ACRA Bizfile (Within 3 Months);
– In Principle Approval Letter (IPA) of the Worker Issued by Ministry of Manpower.

Contact Insurance Broker

AWG Insurance

Tel: +65 6294 6688
Fax: +65 6282 6188 / 6223 4133
WhatsApp: +65 9113 2122

About Worker's Immigration Bond

The bond is between you (the employer) and the government of Singapore. It is used to ensure that both you and your workers comply with the conditions of the work permit. You cannot ask the worker to pay for the bond. Note that this should be purchased before your worker arrives in Singapore. Failure to comply, your worker will not be allowed to enter here and you will be responsible for all the expenses in sending them back to their home countries.

When will the bond be discharged?

You will be discharged from the security bond liability for a worker only if you meet all of these conditions:
– You have cancelled the work permit;
– The worker has returned home;
– You did not breach any of the conditions of the security bond.

How To Apply

Please fill-in below details to proceed with your application.