Reporting a Motor Accident to Your Insurance Company
The Process of Reporting an Accident to your Motor Vehicle Insurance is guided by The Motor Claims Framework (MCF) of the General Insurance Association of Singapore.
How to File a Health Insurance Claim Form
A health insurance claim is when you request reimbursement or direct payment for medical services obtained. The way to obtain benefits or payment is by submitting a health insurance claim via a form or request.
How to File an Insurance Claim
Each state has laws that govern the process, so contact your state department of insurance if you have questions or feel you are not being dealt with fairly.
What you need to do to make a car insurance claim in Singapore
A car accident is a traumatic experience. Most drivers who encounter one will find themselves in a state of shock and unsure of what to do.
How to Make a Car Insurance Claim in Singapore
Whether you like it or not, you’ve got to buy car insurance to take your car on the road in Singapore and this is obviously for good reason.
Guide to Filing Homeowners Insurance Claims
Like most insurance types, homeowners insurance operates as an abstract promise. If anything were to go wrong with your home — and if that hypothetical wrong fell within the policy’s coverage
What You Should Know About Insurance Claims
“Filing a claim” is the process you go through to get a payout from your insurance company when something bad happens. Claims involve paperwork
What’s an Insurance Deductible?
A deductible is the amount that you have to pay toward repairs when you file an insurance claim. The deductible is a set dollar amount, determined at the time you buy your policy