Preparing Ahead – the Hole-in-One Insurance
After months of diligence, Phase 3 is finally in our sights(yay), and the year-end is upon us!And with that brings Christmas, and possibly incentive events. In Singapore, throughout different industries, the de facto choice of large scale corporate events, is golf. Golf Tournament Golf tournaments are very popular within Asia, as a
人力部自2020年1月1日起,对WICA《工伤赔偿法》进行了更新,所有保险公司都必须根据变化更新其保险单。虽然我们最近分享了上述内容,但我们想通过扩展一些细节、突出一些潜在问题以及建议您能如何降低保险费! 总而言之,以下是WICA法案的4个主要变更:赔偿和医疗费用限额的变化 扩大非体力劳动者的强制性保险范围 补偿包括轻型职务 所有与工作有关的病假或轻型职务的强制性报告*死亡和永久伤残的赔偿 各增加大概10巴仙。* 医疗费用最高限额增加 25%请注意,无论工资高低,所有体力劳动者的WIC保险都是强制性的,而且每月收入低于2600新币的所有非体力劳动者也必须有WIC保险。未能提供足够的保险是一种违法行为,最高罚款10万新币或最长监禁12个月,或两者兼施。您可能已经熟悉了上述内容,因为它们已经生效一段时间了。不过,您还应该注意,从9月1日起,还有一些新的变化:只有经人力部批准的保险公司才可以签发WIC保险 必须报告所有员工的病假,或当他们被分配到轻型职务时。 因工伤而轻岗的员工将根据其月平均收入(AME)补偿其收入损失。 为了加快和简化各方的赔偿程序,雇主的WIC保险将作为索赔的默认保单。接下来,雇主的WIC保险公司将处理这些索赔(无论是死亡、暂时或永久丧失工作能力的索赔),如果发现是第三方造成伤害的原因,您的保险公司则会向他们寻求损害赔偿。 保险公司和人力部之间将有一个共享的门户网站,分享所有客户过去的索赔记录,这可能导致比以前更高的保费差异。新保费将如何计算? 新费率的计算依据如下:员工的工作范围和职业 索赔经验(如有) 以前提交的工资单,在年底计算 预计保费增长约50-300%。例如:因此:有关项目保险的重要说明作为雇主,任何新的项目保险里的WIC部分将在9月1日后终止,必须额外的购买。您现有的项目保单的WIC保险不会被影响(保单到期日最迟为2021年12月31)。PUB和LTA项目覆盖的WIC综合保险也将停止使用! AWG的建议随着这些更改,我们强烈建议所有建筑行业的雇主购买责任保险,以承担风险。为了尽量的减少保险费的增加,您必须继续保持最高的安全标准以减少伤害。另外,您也应该考虑为小额索赔自掏腰包付费,以免影响明年的续保率。在AWG保险经纪公司,我们致力于继续您的旅途。让我们协助您审查现有政策,并指导您进行下一步。欢迎留言,或致电6294 6688寻求帮助!
What Is Professional Indemnity Insurance, and Why You Most Probably Need It
We’ve been getting a few inquiries about our professional indemnity coverage (often known as Professional Liability or PI Insurance), so we thought to share some info on what it covers, and why you most probably need it. So What is Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII)? It is essentially a business risk management insurance
Changes to your WIC Insurance, and What It Means.
With effect from 01 Jan 2020, there were updates made to WICA (Work Injury Compensation Act), and all Insurers have to update their insurance policies in accordance with the changes.Whilst we have shared recently on the above, we thought to help by expanding on some details, highlight on potential issues,
How to Protect Your Business from Bad Debts (While Increasing Sales!)
It is one thing to protect your own business in a pandemic world (read more about Business Interruption Insurance here), but there’s no protecting yourself against bad debts… Or is there?So What Is Bad Debt? Bad debt occurs when you are unable to collect a payment for services rendered or products
How to Protect Your Business in a Pandemic (such as COVID-19)
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Cyber Insurance – What is it, and Why is it Important With the New WFH Culture
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WICA Act 2019 Update: Key Changes, and How it Affects You
In Singapore, the Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA) is a statute that allows employees to make claims for work-related injuries or diseases, without having to file a civil suit under common law.It provides a quicker and more affordable alternative to common law for settling compensation claims. Who Is Covered? With some exceptions,
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COVID-19 Update: Work Permit Renewals for Foreign Workers (Phase 1 & 2)
You might have noticed that as a Business Owner with foreign workers in your employment, you may have recently received a letter from the Ministry of Manpower on Work Permit renewals.